Категория: Главная / Антропософия / Фонды, банки, организации Сортировать ссылки как: Заголовок (A\D) Дата (A\D) Популярность (A\D) Ссылки отсортированы как: Популярность (получившие наибольшее число кликов)
Jona stichting Примечание: Антропософский фонд. На голландском языке. Помещено: 12/02/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 4408
Triodos bank Примечание: На голландском языке. Bij Triodos Bank, de enige onafhankelijke duurzame bank van Nederland. Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3051
Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V Примечание: .Friends of Waldorf Education support and advise Waldorf schools and kindergartens, centers with anthroposophic teaching methods for the handicapped, as well as other institutions for education and social work. In addition, we publish materials on the worldwide Waldorf movement and organise international voluntary services worldwide.... Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3000
Healing Water Institute Примечание: What is Water - really? It is all around us but do we understand it? How does water quality affect me? How does water use affect me? Why should I be interested in it? Can I do anything about it anyway? ... Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 2771
RSF Social Finance Примечание: RSF Social Finance (formerly Rudolf Steiner Foundation) partners with investors, donors, and borrowers to create positive social change and environmental sustainability. RSF provides socially responsible investing, lending, and philanthropic services to catalyze the growth of initiatives and social enterprises in sectors such as education, arts and culture, fair trade, sustainable food systems, organic agriculture, green building, and renewable energy. RSF has over $100 million in combined assets. It has made over $100 million in loans and close to $60 million in grants.... Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 2756
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