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Категория: Главная / Антропософские инициативы / Медицина

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  Physician Association for Anthroposophical Medicine 
Примечание: What is Anthroposophically-extended medicine? Anthroposophically-extended medicine is a holistic and human-centered approach to medicine. It recognizes and uses the vast information acquired by modern medicine in the fields of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and diagnosis. Furthermore, it integrates a knowledge of the laws of the living organism, of the psyche and the spirit derived from a spiritual scientific methodology. This requires-besides the ongoing professional, personal and moral development-the active inner participation in spiritual scientific studies outlined by Rudolf Steiner. The result is an integrated image of the whole human being in illness and in health. This makes it possible to have a rational holistic approach to physiology, pathology and therapy. The Anthroposophical physician strives together with his/her patient to perceive the meaning of the illness with a view toward physical, soul and spiritual development and against the background of a rational study of individual biography. A vital aspect of the practice of Anthroposophically-extended Medicine is the use of the complimentary therapies which have been developed or reached through Anthroposophy. These include psychological counseling, therapeutic eurythmy (movement therapy); sculpture, painting, music and speech therapy; physical therapies, including rhythmic massage, hydrotherapy, compresses and external applications. To contact PAAM call 734-930-9462 or Email paam@anthroposophy.org...
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 4934

Примечание: Сайт голландского ученого, специалиста в области антропософской медицины и гетеанизма, Яапа ван дер Вала. На английском языке.
Помещено: 12/02/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 4923

  Gesellsch. Anthroposophischer Arzte Osterreichs 
Примечание: Programm,Therapies, Education, Links...
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 4156

Примечание: .Practical information for parents about children's health and nutrition. In portuguese....
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3702

  Страница Антропософоской медиины на сайте "Добрый доктор" 
Примечание: Мы рады представить Вам на нашем сайте информацию о гомеопатии и других методах лечения, которые призваны избавлять человека от страданий не только в виде болезней тела и ума, но и на более глубоком и тонком уровне.
Помещено: 29/08/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3374

  Антропософская медицина 
Примечание: Сайт посвящен вопросам антропософской медицины, лечебной эвритмии, лечебной педагогике, ритмического массажа. Содержит интересные материалы в этих и других отраслях антропософских исследований.
Помещено: 13/06/2007 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3346

  Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke 
Примечание: Anthroposophical Hospital in GermanyEmail: kontakt@gemeinschaftskrankenhaus.de
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3294

Примечание: .Artemisia is an association dedicated to work in the healing arts in the light of anthroposophy. Our members include doctors, nurses, and therapists of many kinds who integrate alternative methods into their professional practice. Anthroposophical medicine offers a holistic patient care just as the more widely known ayurvedic or traditional Chinese medicine. A physician, nurse, or therapist who has first trained in modern conventional methods may extend their theory and practice drawing from the insights of spiritual science. There are many anthroposophical hospitals and clinics worldwide, the most developed being in Switzerland, Germany, and Holland. In America there are office practices in many states, several multidisciplinary clinics, and access to hospital care in a few areas. Artemisia works in cooperation with the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Switzerland. We sponsor conferences and publish a professional?s directory and a quarterly newsletter. Affiliated professional organizations that serve individual professions include the Anthroposophical Nurses Association of America (ANAA), Physicians? Association for Anthroposophical Medicine (PAAM), Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association (RMTA), Association for Anthroposophical Art Therapy in North America (AAATNA) and Association for Therapeutic Eurythmy in North America (ATHENA). Contact Artemisia, Terri Rosatti, Administrator, at 734-761-5172, artemisia@anthroposophy.org or visit our web page at www.artemisia.net for more information about our organization or specific aspects of anthroposophical therapies. ...
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3217

  Everyday Medicine 
Примечание: The aim of this site is to help you become more confident when dealing with common medical conditions such as fevers, earache and asthma. It also offers a different view on some difficult areas such as addiction ...
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3190

Примечание: .In 1921, pharmacists and physicians gathered in Switzerland under the guidance of Dr. Rudolf Steiner to create a natural medicine and personal care company later called WELEDA. Using pharmaceutical techniques combined with a spiritual approach, they formulated a truly innovative line of quality products based upon the study of relationships between the substances and processes of nature and the human being. By cultivating plants using organic and biodynamic agricultural methods, harvesting them at peak times, and processing them with the utmost care, WELEDA believes it is possible to retain a plant's inherent qualities and healing properties. WELEDA has grown over the years and now serves millions of satisfied customers worldwide. Although its product line and production capabilities have expanded greatly, its basic principle of maintaining the highest quality standards while strictly adhering to natural methods has remained....
Помещено: 27/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3056

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