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  Academy of Living Movement 
Примечание: Academy of Living Movement is a professional performance training, bringing a new approach to the schooling of movement artists, that places eurythmy in the context of the developments that have taken place in movement and dance during the 20th century....
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3101

  Association of Eurythmists 
Примечание: Woring for eurythmy in Great Britain and Ireland...
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3025

  Camphill Eurythmy School 
Примечание: The Camphill Eurythmy School offers its students the opportunity to study the art of eurythmy in a Camphill community setting. The school was established at the Sheiling School in Ringwood in 1970 with the aim of uniting the healing work with children with special needs with the process of eurythmy training. Now the Eurythmy School has its home in Botton Village, an adult Camphill community in the North of England. Students benefit from their experience of community life which provides a practical, rhythmical lifestyle connected to the festivals of the year which helps them to develop maturity and responsibility. Meaningful work is appreciated as a balance to the eurythmy lessons. An understanding grows for the need of tools such as eurythmy which can heal and help others.
Помещено: 19/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3164

  Camphill Eurythmy School 
Примечание: The Camphill Eurythmy School offers the opportunity to train in the art of eurythmy within the social-therapeutic setting of Botton Village (Camphill Village Trust). ...
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3186

  Den norske Euritmichouskole 
Примечание: Сайт на норвежском, немецком языках. The University College of Eurythmy in Norway
Помещено: 19/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3314

  Discover Eurythmy 
Примечание: Eurythmy is a fascinating and mysterious art of movement. Here are the answers to all your questions. Eurythmists, Waldorf pupils, movement therapists, dancers, everyone will learn something new. If you are involved or know of any research relevant to eurythmy then please get in touch.
Помещено: 19/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 3106

  Eurythmie Eurythmy 
Примечание: Eurythmie Eurythmy Eurythmie-form..
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 4886

  Eurythmy Ireland 
Примечание: Eurythmy Ireland aims to promote the art of eurythmy in Ireland, and help assist productions touring in Ireland....
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 2507

  Eurythmy Student Net 
Примечание: This is the site for eurythmy students and students to be. To share the inspirations on music and poems, find out what eurythmy students study, look at the student's notebooks, top 10 reasons to start eurythmy training, my big dreams on eurythmy, lots of pictures and some more. ...
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 2513

  Eurythmy training at Rudolf Steiner College 
Примечание: The four year eurythmy training at Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, California, is carried by Cynthia Hoven and Reg Down, and offers a lively, committed and joyful approach to the experience of artistic transformation. The training is thoroughly integrated in the life of RSC. Students in the training also take classes in Anthroposophy, Inner Work, Pedagogy, and many different art forms. Contact us for more information!...
Помещено: 26/12/2008 Обращений на данную ссылку: 2472

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